On Thursday, January 12, 2023, at the Faculty of Health Sciences in Burgos (Spain), the multiplier event 1 entitled “MULTIPLIER EVENT/ROUND TABLE: “Innovative Higher Education innovative higher education teaching content to achieve sustainable ACCESSIBILITY of CULTURAL HERITAGE for ALL” (“EVENTO MULTIPLICADOR/MESA REDONDA: “Contenidos innovadores de enseñanza de educación superior para lograr la ACCESibilidad sostenible del patrimonio CULTural para TODOS”) was organized by University of Burgos.
The aim of the event was to present the results of IOs of the project AccessCULT – Innovative University Teaching Content to Achieve Sustainable Accessibility of Cultural Heritage for ALL. In particular, the focus was on the presentation of all the results obtained in IO1, IO2, IO3 and IO4 of Accesscult Project.
The round table was moderated by Dr. Jerónimo J. González Bernal, project leader at the University of Burgos and Coordinator of Accesscult Erasmus+ Project.

The results of IO1 (research report – needs analyses), IO2 (educational module and framework) were presented by Jessica Fernández Solana and the results of IO3 (the module and teaching material and IO5, the implementation of the HEI course) and IO4 (the preparation of adult training, the moodle platform and the IO5 implementation) were presented by Dr. Mirian Santamaría Peláez. She also made an approach to the contents of IO5 (implementation) and IO6 (the recommendation catalogue, follow-up opportunities, and the Accessible Museums Ambassadors Network).
Twenty-three people were registered on the list of participants with their personal information and signature; among them were:
- 2 professors from the University of Burgos
- 1 professor from the University Isabel I
- 4 students from the University of Burgos
- 2 journalists from the television station La8 Burgos.
- 1 from the Berbiquí Association
- 1 from Autismo Burgos
- 3 from Aspanias (1 of them PWD)
- 1 representative of Burgos City Council
- 1 from Academia Técnica Universitaria
- 1 person with disabilities
- 1 from the Residencia Lazarillo de Tormes
- 1 retired person
- 1 director of a residence for the elderly
- 1 from Matia Fundazioa
- 1 from Hospital de Parapléjicos de Toledo
- 1 from Sacyl